Programming, Physics, Photography, and everything else that I am doing, all in one place.
How to configure Fail2Ban in Ubuntu 16.04
If you have set up a Linux server, you may be unaware how many times someone has attempted to compromise it. Any server that is open to the web has surely had bots trying to gain access to them by bombarding the server with default username and password guesses. They attempt to exploit your SSH …
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Customize WordPress Twenty Seventeen CSS
Once you have installed WordPress, you will notice the themes, especially the default yearly themes, are often overused. However, with a bit of code, you can make your WordPress site stand out. By changing CSS styles, we can change the look and feel of a WordPress theme to fit a custom site. Here’s a breakdown …
How to install WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04
So I’ve decided to chronicle my projects for all to see on my new blog. I can’t think of a better way to christen the site than to walk though the process of installing WordPress on a server. We’re going to need a few things to get started, like a computer to act as our …
Hi, my name is Charles Mathis, or Chas for short. I work for Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, and will be moving to the Boston area soon. I love physics, programming, and mathematics. Ever since I was young, I loved problem solving and figuring out how things worked. In my free time I like to explore and take photography of the interesting places that I have seen, as well as run a modest home lab to work on programming and networking.
Want to learn more about my achievements? Check out my resume!